Kudlow’s Money Politics

It is Time to Begin

“…[M]ost of the peoples of the world — including the United States — still don’t believe that radical Islamist terrorism is a grave, worldwide challenge to civilization.

And therein lies our great strategic failure to date. So long as most people — certainly most Europeans, perhaps most Americans — see Islamist terrorism as merely the more or less disconnected actions of a relatively small number of fanatics, then Europeans will never send their sons to fight and die to defeat it. And, of course, they particularly won’t send their sons to risk death for the “Jewish state” of Israel or the “imperialist” United States. And who can ask any parents to risk sacrificing their sons for some foreigners — whether despised or not?

…Until the American and European publics have become convinced of the present danger to them, we will continue to stumble, take half measures and fail to adequately defend ourselves. Before action, must come belief; before belief must come understanding; before understanding must come education and debate. In the beginning was the word. It is time to begin.”

Tony Blankley, “Just Another Coincidence?”

Larry Kudlow is the author of JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, written with Brian Domitrovic.
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