Kudlow’s Money Politics

Thu, September 7th – 8:44 AM

September 7, 2006

The Honorable Assemblyman John Faso

New York State Republican Candidate for Governor

Dear John,

There is an editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal about a 5% flat tax in Massachusetts. At dinner at our home this summer, we talked about the 5.5% flat tax option in Rhode Island. We also talked about the Kudlow tax reform commission I chaired for Governor Pataki, which recommended a 5% top tax-rate in New York.

Yet, there is no policy development along these lines coming out of your campaign. The summer months passed without new proposals. Polls suggest you are far behind Spitzer. You need new, bold ideas to shake up the race. But none are forthcoming.

You argue, according to the New York Post, that upstate’s economy needs property, business and income tax relief. But you are not proposing any meaningful measures.

When I saw you at Yankee Stadium at the Bloomberg event you barely even said hello, though my wife and I have hosted two dinners for you and I have publicly supported your candidacy.

Frankly, as I have indicated to Ed Cox, all this is mystifying and troubling.


Lawrence Kudlow

Larry Kudlow is the author of JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, written with Brian Domitrovic.
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