Liberal Fascism

Fan Mail

I like this one:

Mr. Goldberg – There are not words that adequately express what a complete a**hole you are – what a dishonest, right-wing fraud you are .. Your sole purpose in writing the ludicrous “Liberal Fascism” is to scare people away from the laudable and constructive policies President Obama is trying to implement to improve and fix this country after the 8 years of disastrous misrule by your people .. The only danger of fascism in this country comes from the right-wing of the Republican Party – your people. Under Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bolton-Rove-Gonzales, this country came as close to fascism as it ever has, and, hopefully, ever will. You are merely trying the alarm and scare tactics that the right-wing invariably turns to ..

Your points are ludicrous nonsense: our best and closest allies in the Western tradition, including Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, most of Western Europe, Canada, and most of the industrialized world, are far more “liberal” – indeed socialist – than could ever happen in this country: and not a one of them is in any danger of fascism: you are quite simply full of sh*t on that point .. It was the great liberalism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that brought us out of the Great Depression, while it was those of your ilk, your pathetic Republican predecessors in the ’30’s, that opposed the New Deal every that eventually lifted us out of that crisis. There have been countless successful exercises in the liberalism that you speciously and fraudulently try to link to liberalism. But your Dick Cheney is the closest thing to an American fascist as we’re ever produced; if wasn’t your other ancestor – Joseph McCarthy ..

Your scare tactics, your histrionic alarmism are pathetic. The only winder is how such right-wing garbage as your book gets published at all – you should consider yourself very lucky ..

Me: Any bets that this guy hasn’t read a single page of the book?

Update: Oh, I should have said that the asterisks are mine. This is a family website.

I should have also have mentioned that I started this book when Barack Obama was an obscure Illinois state senator. So I deserve every success simply for the quality of my prescience.

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