Liberal Fascism

Huck & Me

From a reader:

Dear Mr. Goldberg,

I just completed your introduction and afterword, and am very 

impressed.  I thought you concisely and eloquently distilled the 

essence of what American conservatism is (or ought to be).  I won’t 

go overboard and call it Reaganesque, but my reaction was “Damn this 

is good!”  If you’re ever asked to contribute to a primer on what 

conservatism is, all you’ll have to do is rewrite your afterword.

If I still have your attention.  I think you should consider, out of 

pure mercenary greed, supporting the Huckabee campaign.  The longer 

he stays in contention, the more material you’ll have to work with 

for a revised afterword to the paperback edition (enticing all of us 

who’ve already purchased a copy to run out and purchase another).  If 

he takes it all the way to the general you may get a whole new 

chapter.  And who knows?  If he were to win, you might even get a 

whole ‘nother book out of it.  I’m not sure what you’d call it (Neo-

Liberal Fascism?  Compassionate Fascism: How the Right succumbed to 

the Dark Side?).  But boy, would the old Mr. Yuck sticker sporting 

the Hitler ‘stache look great on the cover.  Since you’d be 

expounding on your cautionary note about compassionate conservatism, 

you’d keep most of your existing audience.  And because you’d be 

criticizing a Republican, you’d pick up a whole new one.  You might 

even get to experience Strange New Respect!

Obviously I’m guessing that you’re watching what’s happening on our 

side going “this would have been great for my book!”  On the other 

hand, after four years in your own private spice-mine, maybe you feel 

like you dodged a bullet.

Continued success!

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