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Anderson Cooper Nukes Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Better call the Obama Truth Team! Anderson Cooper blasts DNC Chair Schutlz for taking a Los Angeles Times quote of context in an attempt to link Mitt Romney to Todd “legitimate rape” Akin. Enjoy:

And it’s not only Anderson Cooper who has a problem with fact-challenged Schulz. Here’s PolitFact Florida writing she lied about the history of presidential candidates and their tax returns:

Our ruling

Wasserman Schultz said, “Mitt Romney is the first major party candidate for president of the United States in modern times not to release at least 12 years of tax returns.” There are several examples of major party candidates for president in modern times who released fewer than 12 tax returns. And those examples have been highlighted in recent news articles. Wasserman Schultz’s claim is not correct, and we rate the statement False.

I guess, to quote from Schultz during her interview with Copper, “it doesn’t matter” if she lies.

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