Media Blog

Business News for the “Environmentally Acute”

In Monday’s Washington Post, media-industry reporter Frank Ahrens finds that the cable giant Discovery Communications is bringing Earth worship into the mainstream:
“In April, the cable programming giant said it would switch its Discovery Home channel to a Planet Green channel early next year. Last week, the company expanded its eco-portfolio by announcing it will buy, a Web site founded in 2004 that provides news and product information for the environmentally acute.”
That’s liberal code for “leftists who wear bamboo underwear.” You think I kid? carries articles like “How to Green Your Sex Life,” where you learn the latest on how condoms can offend vegans and how “Organic cotton, hemp silk, bamboo, and other renewable fibers make ultra-sexy lingerie and underwear.”
And yet, the Washington Post suggests the Discovery barons are taking “green” into the mainstream: “It is a sign of the quickly changing ethos on the environment that until only recently, the term ‘tree-hugger’ was considered an insult in many quarters. Now, it is a valuable brand inside a global, mainstream television network.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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