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Checking e-mail before bed “is the equivalent of drinking two espressos”

A new study in Scotland provides a warning for those who like to check their e-mail before going to sleep.

“Checking cellphones, BlackBerrys or laptop computers shuts down the brain’s natural preparations for sleep and is essentially the equivalent of drinking a double espresso last thing at night,” said Dr Chris Idzikowski of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, which carried out the study.
“Research has shown that light from a laptop or BlackBerry is concentrated enough to signal your brain to stop production of melatonin, a natural hormone known to aid sleep disturbances.
“Being in a relaxed environment and incorporating essential wind-down time into your day is your best chance of securing a great night’s sleep – along with silence, darkness and comfort.”

(For a previous post on BlackBerrys, see here.)

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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