Media Blog

Clinton: Maybe Not “Slimy”

From the LA Times

Vanity Fair has fired back in response to former president Bill Clinton’s criticism of the magazine’s piece, which questions his lifestyle choices and association with Hollywood producer Steve Bing, quotes anonymous aides about his increased anger since heart surgery, discusses his financial relationship with billionaire Ron Burkle, and includes reports of concern among his aides about his seeing a lot of women on the road, including actress Gina Gershon.
“In a response of nearly 2,500 words — a quarter the length of the actual story — former president Bill Clinton’s office fails to address a single factual mistake in Todd Purdum’s Vanity Fair article. Purdum, who has covered President Clinton on and off for 16 years beginning with his 1992 presidential campaign when Purdum was with the New York Times, spoke with dozens of current and former senior Clinton aides during the course of his reporting. Purdum also contacted the Clinton office long before the article’s completion and had several conversations with staff regarding the president’s participation. Vanity Fair stands behind the article and Purdum’s reporting.”
And now Hillary’s Clinton’s campaign has apologized for Bill Clinton’s remarks about the reporter, calling him a “scumbag and a real slimy guy.”  Her people apologized for “inappropriate” language.

Honestly, though, doesn’t an actress best known for her role in Showgirls sound exactly like Clinton’s style? 

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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