Media Blog

David Shuster Back in the NBC Lineup (Sorta)

David Shuster might be banned from MSDNC, but that doesn’t keep him off the NBC D.C. softball team:

Washington DC NBC affiliate WRC-TV won its third consecutive championship in the Metropolitan Media Softball League Saturday, topping the Comcast SportsNet “SportsNuts” 11-3.

Former MSNBC anchor David Shuster may not have a regular spot on the cable network’s lineup, but he does have a spot in “The Peacocks” lineup, as the team photo above shows (Shuster is on the far right).

Last week FishbowlDC spoke to Shuster about the championshipgame, and explained the league rules that allow him to play:

Under league rules, players are grandfathered onto a team even if they’ve left the company, unless their new place of employment is also in the league. In short, Shuster can play.

Shuster is still under contract with NBC Universal, even though he no longer hosts his daily news program.

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