Media Blog

Drudge Is the Beast

A sensible column from WaPo’s Eugene Robinson on the situation with Prince Harry and the press embargo:

The only reason for the media’s atypical restraint was to make it possible for the prince to go to war, which is something he really wanted to do. He has been quoted as saying that his stint in Afghanistan was the only time in his life he had felt like a normal person.
The problem is that he’s not remotely a normal person. I realize that Harry didn’t ask to be born a prince. But he doesn’t reject the idea of hereditary monarchy. If you accept the notion that some people are princes and some are not, you also acknowledge that the accident of birth has consequences, both positive and negative.

But the best part is when he compares the Drudge Report to the “Daily Beast” from Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop.
Personally, I would have preferred if the press had been kept in the dark about Harry’s service so that he could do his duty in the way he thought best. But I can’t imagine a gaggle of reporters sitting on a story like that for very long.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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