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Farmer Barack

Over in the Web Briefing is this Friday gem from the New York Times:

Obamas to Plant White House Vegetable Garden

Michelle Obama promises it will be a family affair:

Almost the entire Obama family, including the president, will pull weeds, “whether they like it or not,” Mrs. Obama said laughing. “Now Grandma, my mom, I don’t know.” Her mother, she said, would probably sit back and say: “Isn’t that lovely. You missed a spot.”

Anyone believe this?  Sure, the president will pull weeds — when the cameras are around.

Later on in the piece:

But, sitting in her office in the East Wing, Mrs. Obama stressed that she doesn’t want people to feel guilty if they don’t have the time to have a garden: there are still many small changes they can make.

“You can begin in your own cupboard by eliminating processed food, trying to cook a meal a little more often, trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables,” she said.

Time to have a garden?  Mrs. Obama, admittedly, has never had a garden before so she has no idea how much work it is, especially one with “55 varieties of vegetables.”  Maybe the OMB will tally up how much extra time the White House staff will spend on this vanity project.

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