Media Blog

Like A Father Scolding His Son

Here’s the exchange from last night that prompted John Podhoretz to write, “I’ve never seen such a blatant act of obnoxious misbehavior during a debate. Ever.”

MS. BARTIROMO: Even if they say that they are at a disadvantage to foreign automakers.
MR. THOMPSON: Well, of course, they are. But that has nothing to do with the government stepping in. The government ought to relieve that disdavantage that we’ve got as far as foreign automakers are concerned, make them open up their markets and make certain markets quit devaluing their currency. That’s where the pressure needs to be applied.
MR. MATTHEWS: It took a long time. He said no; he should’ve stopped there. (Laughs.)
Anyway, Mr. Mayor, let me ask you about —
MR. THOMPSON: Well, then that’s your opinion, Christopher. (Laughter.)

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