Media Blog

Fear Watch!

The Huffington Post is asking its readers to email in examples of “fear-mongering” by GOP candidates this election:

But things are always less scary when the lights are on — so throughout the campaign HuffPost will be conducting a FearWatch, keeping our eyes peeled for the lowest, most base attempts to scare voters into voting their fears, and collecting them on a FearWatch08 page.
And we’d like your help. So be on the lookout for examples of fear-mongering in speeches, in press releases, in local TV spots, and in direct mail come-ons — and send any you come across to so we can add them to our collection.

Of course, Arianna ends her post with a little fear-mongering of her own:

Or will Democrats be able to make the case that the war in Iraq — a war McCain is passionately, almost perversely, committed to continuing — has made us less safe by taking our eye off the real terrorist threats, depleting our military, and draining resources from our infrastructure and homeland security?

If we’re “less safe” now, then why shouldn’t we be scared?

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