Media Blog

Hamas Forces Break Up Gaza Hip-Hop Concert

The Islamist group Hamas, which has already shut down Internet cafes and forced women to stop wearing jeans, continues to clamp down on anything fun as its security forces broke up the Gaza Strip’s first major hip-hop concert late last night.
The B Boy Gaza group had just started a lively dance set in a crowded auditorium when Hamas thugs broke it up, deeming it “immoral,” reports Reuters.
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said police confiscated cameras and tapes at the venue and arrested six of the performers.
Last year, Hamas’s “morality police” in Gaza banned Palestinian women from swimming unless they are covered from top to bottom, and forbade women from entering coffee shops, restaurants, and other public places unless they are escorted by male relatives.

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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