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Harry Reid, Suuuper Geeenius

From the New York Times archives on speculation that Ted Olson would replace Alberto Gonzales as attorney general:

The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, led other Senate Democrats in serving notice on Wednesday that they would block the confirmation of former Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson if President Bush selected him for attorney general.

”Ted Olson will not be confirmed by the Senate,” Mr. Reid said in response to reports that Mr. Olson was a leading candidate to succeed Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales. ”He’s a partisan, and the last thing we need as an attorney general is a partisan.”

Mr. Reid’s comments, made in an interview with Reuters and confirmed by his office, suggest that the White House will face a confirmation battle over any nominee whom Democrats see as starkly partisan.

Olson was also on the “short list” for a Supreme Court seat.  I wonder what the Left thinks about the Democratic smearing of Olson now that Olson has a new client:

In a bold move that takes a new approach to achieving marriage equality, two attorneys who argued opposing sides of the 2000 Bush v. Gore lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court have filed a challenge to Proposition 8 in federal court, The Advocate has learned.

Theodore B. Olson, the U.S. solicitor general from 2001 to 2004 under President George W. Bush, and David Boies, a high-profile trial lawyer who argued on behalf of former vice president Al Gore, filed the suit May 22 in U.S. district court on behalf of two California gay couples.

The attorneys argue that relegating same-sex couples to domestic partnerships instead of granting them full marriage rights is a violation of the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Olson said he was contacted several months ago by representatives of an association called the American Foundation for Equal Rights about his willingness to represent the two couples named in the suit.

“For a long time I’ve personally felt that we are doing a grave injustice for people throughout this country by denying equality to gay and lesbian individuals,” Olson said in an interview with The Advocate. “The individuals that we represent and will be representing in this case feel they’re being denied their rights. And they’re entitled to have a court vindicate those rights.”

When pressed about his service with the Bush administration, which in 2004 endorsed an amendment to the U.S. constitution that would prohibit same-sex marriage, Olson said he was personally against the amendment at the time, though he made no public statements on the matter.

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