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Hillary’s Debate Strategy

I’m in the camp that all of Hillary’s SNL references in the debate on Tuesday were to force SNL to do more skits bashing Obama.  Confirmation today:

While he loved getting his work noticed and understands what Clinton must be feeling, Downey said mentioning the skit might not have been her best move.
“It might, on balance, make her look a little whiny,” he said. “She might have been better off if other people pointed it out for them.”
MSNBC might have also been a source of some of Clinton’s annoyance. Both Chris Matthews and David Shuster have apologized over the past months for remarks about the Clinton campaign, which briefly considered backing out of the network-sponsored debate. Tuesday’s debate was seen by 7.8 million people, the largest audience in the network’s history, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Already, “Saturday Night Live” executive producer Lorne Michaels has ordered Downey to write another skit on the campaign for this weekend’s show.
“That’s Lorne,” Downey said. “He likes to paint you in a corner and if you do it, your reward is to get to jump out of a deeper corner. I pray to God it’s my last debate.”

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