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Hillary’s Defense of Chelsea

Here’s Hillary on evil David Shuster:

“I am a mom first and a candidate second,” Clinton told reporters, per ABC News’ Eloise Harper. “I found the remarks incredibly offensive. I can take whatever comes my way, that’s part of what I signed up for as a candidate as an office holder, but I think that there’s been a troubling pattern of comments and behavior that has to be held accountable. So I have sent a letter to the head of NBC expressing the deep offense that I took and pointing out what has been a troubling pattern of demeaning treatment, and I would expect appropriate action to be taken.”

Really?  On Jan. 26th I posted this challenging Bill’s statement cozying up to McCain:

Why Bill and Hillary Cannot Be Trusted   [Greg Pollowitz]

Back in 1998, John McCain told a joke. A joke so offensive that David Corn, then of Salon, accused the MSM of censoring it out of their newspapers. The joke involved Chelsea Clinton who by all standards should have never been a target, no matter what the political environment. John McCain later apologized to President Clinton.

Which brings us to what Bill Clinton said today:

“She and John McCain are very close,” Clinton said. “They always laugh that if they wound up being the nominees of their party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they’re afraid they’d put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other.”

Yeah, right.
Chuck Todd, Jon Martin, and Stephen Hayes were on with Tim Russert before S.C. primary coverage discussing Clinton’s comment. I forget which one, but one of them called it a “Jedi mind trick” to get Republicans, especially the talk-radio crowd, angrier at McCain with the hope of pushing Mitt Romney. The panel thought Romney was an easier target come November than McCain.
With all the talk of the legendary Clinton tempers, are we really to believe that McCain’s bad joke going after their daughter is now water under the bridge?

So, what is it?  McCain’s joke was billion times worse than what Shuster said, but “she and McCain are very close.”  Maybe this means Shuster can be press secretary in a Clinton administration?

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