Media Blog

The Huffington Post is the Future of Journalism?

Check out this tweet from the HuffPo last night during the Grammys:

Katy Perry Bares Back, Side Boob At Grammys (PHOTOS)

This is the future of journalism? Huffington’s site actually has a section that’s NSFW. There’s nothing new about HuffPo, and it’s not rocket science to take venture-capital money to create blog traffic with a combination of politics, gossip, and porn.

Also, check out this interview with Arianna and Roger Ailes, in which she tries to hit Ailes on Glenn Beck’s so-called inflammatory rhetoric. It’s typical that Arianna distances herself from words actually written on her site:

And Rich tweets this helpful link shedding more light on Airanna’s hypocrisy while HuffPo contributor Bill Mann hits Fox News on its “sexy visuals”:

Then there’s Fox’s sexy visuals. A look at Fox’s commentator/anchor lineups shows a predominance of attractive blondes (long called “newsbabes” in TV newsrooms), but these blondes, who cynically appeal to the network’s testosterone-poisoned male demo, are willing to be venal and nasty — e.g., Megyn Kelly, Gretchen Carlson, and disgraceful human oddity Ann Coulter.

Sexy visuals? Actually, the derogatory part of this statement is the suggestion that these three are simply “visuals.” Kelly is a former Jones, Day litigator. Carlson graduated from Stanford. And Ann Coulter has seven best-selling books and is a graduate of Cornell. They might be pretty, but there’s another name for what they are: qualified.

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