Media Blog

It’s Funny Because It’s True

If anybody appreciates the fact that Barack Obama is a media creation, it’s Barack Obama. In March of 2006, Obama poked fun at himself at the Gridiron Club’s annual dinner in Washington. Some excerpts from the Chicago Sun-Times archives:

“And most of all, I want to thank you for all the generous advance coverage you’ve given me in anticipation of a successful career. When I actually do something, we’ll let you know.’’


“I’ve been very blessed. Keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention. The cover of Newsweek. My book made the best-seller list. I just won a Grammy for reading it on tape. And I’ve had the chance to speak not once but twice before the Gridiron Club. Really, what else is there to do? Well, I guess . . . I could pass a law, or something. . . .”

Or something.

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