Media Blog

James Carville vs. the Right-Wing Media

From Carville’s latest fundraising email for the DSCC:

As President Obama recently said, conflict is like catnip. The right-wing media scurries over to it. They sniff at it. They bat it back and forth. They roll in it. They. Just. Can’t. Get. Enough.

They’re masters of manipulation. And when we let our attention get diverted from the real issues, we’re all in trouble.

Take health care: The Republicans have plenty of complaints but no plan, while our Democratic senators are hard at work on positive solutions. President Obama’s change agenda depends on us keeping them there.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is only 7 days away, and it still needs to raise $411,718 to meet its goal. Hitting that target is so important that a group of Democratic senators will match every dollar you give before Sept. 30, effectively doubling your contribution.

Click here to make a donation of $5 or more today. Every dollar you give will make a difference in 2010!

If they gave out Emmy Awards for conspiracy theories, conservative pundits would need a bigger trophy case. Whether it’s Fox News hyperventilator Glenn Beck calling President Obama a racist, or radio bloviator Rush Limbaugh pushing the “government death panels” lie, you can be sure they’ll find some way to rile up their base.

Their claims would be laughable – if they weren’t so profitable. These scare tactics translate into big bucks – for Republican causes and candidates.

That’s why we in the reality-based community can’t sit idly by. Our Democratic senators are already being targeted, and it’s only going to get worse the closer we get to the 2010 elections. We’ve gotta be ready to pounce on every new smear, lie and misrepresentation.

Your gift to the DSCC today is a crucial tool for fighting back and protecting our Senate majority. When you contribute before Sept. 30, each dollar you give will be matched by a group of senators. It’s their way of saying “thank you” for your grassroots support.

Click here to make a donation of $5 or more today. Every dollar you give will make a difference in 2010!

Like cats to catnip, the right wing will stay busy going berserk. We can’t reason with a yowling, scratching, clawing mess.

But we can certainly show it the door.

Actually, Carville is misquoting the president.  He never singled out the “right-wing media.”  Here’s the quote, which includes, of course, Carville’s employer, CNN:

The media loves to have a conversation about race,” Obama noted on NBC. “This is catnip to the media because it is a running thread in American history that is very powerful and it evokes some very strong emotion.

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