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Kathleen Parker Compares Ted Cruz to OBL

She has an op-ed up today that compares the GOP to the fictional Corleone crime family, with Sonny the “hothead” (Tea Party followers) vs. Michael the “intellectual strategist” (establishment legislators).

But comparing the GOP to murderers isn’t a good enough metaphor for Ted Cruz:

That would be Ted Cruz, the Texas senator who grabbed headlines by speaking for 21 hours against Obamacare. Cruz is neither Michael nor Sonny but the star of his own movie. He’s Ted bin Laden — the guy who hands out suicide vests and then goes to lunch.

Really? Oh, there’s more. Here’s the end of her column:

Painful though it may be to witness, it may be time for Sonny to take a drive through the toll plaza. Maybe he could give Ted bin Laden a lift.

(That’s a metaphor, too.)

Not only is Ted Cruz an anti-American terrorist, lets kill him and all those other tea partiers!

Kathleen Parker is leaving out one important player, however. Who in the GOP is Fredo? You know, the guy selling out to Dems to further his own position in the same, corrupt criminal organization Congress? 

Come on Fredo, let’s go fishing. 




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