Media Blog

Los Angeles Times Editors: Mandatory Condom Use for Actors Isn’t Working

The Times opposed the 2012 law that mandated porn actors use condoms on any film shot in Los Angeles County, and today the editors are warning that adopting the law statewide makes no sense, too:

But there’s no evidence that the law has had its intended effect. Instead, many adult film production companies have moved their shoots outside of the county — and in some cases, out of the state or country. Others have stopped filing for county film permits and have reportedly continued to shoot without complying with the condom mandate. In all, the number of permits issued to adult films in L.A. County dropped 90% in 2013 after Measure B went into effect, and there is no indication that porn stars are any safer today than they were two years ago.

The editors don’t come right out and say it, but they’re talking about all the jobs the County has lost since 2012. Not just for the actors, but the lighting technicians, editors, etc.

Here’s more from their editorial:

But upon further research, it became clear that government is ill-equipped to mandate and enforce the use of condoms on adult film sets. 

[. . .]

When the editorial board opposed Measure B in 2012, we said that its proponents were taking an attitude of “let’s pass it and see what happens.” Well, now we know what happened. Legislators should learn from L.A. County’s experience and reject AB 1576.

Well, I guess the good news is the editors at the Times have found at least one thing the government isn’t good at.



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