Media Blog

Moonves: CBS News is “Back to the Drawing Board”

CBS honcho Leslie Moonves sees big changes ahead for CBS News. According to this story, Moonves told investors yesterday that CBS News had to go “back to the drawing board”:

When asked about the progress of the revamp of the low-rated “CBS Evening News” prompted by the departure of longtime anchor Dan Rather in March, Moonves conceded CBS News isn’t close to the radical makeover he has envisioned to boost the fortunes of the show. Moonves said he was frustrated, saying that the average age of the news viewer — on all three evening newscasts — was about 60. He said CBS was trying to change it and make it more “user-friendly.”
“We haven’t come up with a great solution, so we’ve sent them back to the drawing board,” Moonves said. “But you will see changes in the next several months.”

Moonves is recently on record saying:

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