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More Pfleger Pork From Obama

Chicago Tribune from May 2007:

One of those long-time supporters was Rev. Michael Pfleger, the politically active leader of St. Sabina Church. He gave Obama’s campaign $1,500 between 1995 and 2001, including $200 in April 2001, about three months after Obama announced $225,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs.
Pfleger said he made those donations personally, not on behalf of the church or to win grants.
“At a time when less people vote than ever, I don’t think pastors should be silent on politics,” Pfleger said.

I’m not sure if this is the same grant the NY Times reported a few weeks ago. The Times reported $100,000, but gave no date. Just how much did Rev. Pfleger get from Illinois taxpayers?
And just how many other informal advisers to Barack Obama received earmarks?

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