Media Blog

Morning Joe Live From South Beach

Complete with strippers. Miami New Times:

​Joe Scarborough’s political news show came to South Beach this morning, and was crashed by two of Miami’s most badass strippers and a presumed beef magnate.

We’re loyal fans of King of Diamonds’ top dancer Tip Drill, who topped our prestigious list of the ten best strippers under forty. We’re less familiar with Skrawberry, but now she’s on our radar. Both strippers, along with a fellow named BurgerBillionz who was swigging a bottle of Moet, were at Jerry’s Deli at around 6 a.m. when Morning Joe was filmed there.

As tweeted by MSNBC’s Lauren Skowronski, Mr. Billionz and Tip Drill posed for a photo with Politico’s Mike Allen.

The rest here.

Exit question: What was MSNBC doing in South Beach in the first place? This really isn’t where you’d go to meet the typical Republican primary voter, but it’s where you’d go if you’re more interested in having fun than actually covering what’s going on.

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