Media Blog

The MSM Lied to Us All Last Night

Well, this explains the funny smirk on Andrea Mitchell’s face when she, quite confidently, said it was Biden on Hardball at 7.  From the lefty blog

Well, you can forget about hearing it first via a text message. The old media has scooped the story of Biden being the VP. Apparently, they have known about it since around 8 pm est, when the secret service detail showed up at Biden’s house. A ‘blackout’ of the news held for a couple of hours, and then CNN was able to confirm that Obama asked Biden.

FWIW, I signed up to learn via email, and I’m still waiting for the announcement.  I wonder how many Obamaniacs are in the same position.
As for when the news became official on Obama’s website?  2:45AM.  Hillary, consider yourself slapped in the face:

Joe Biden!

Comments |  Mail to a Friend  |  Report Objectionable Content Breaking news: the text message is out and it’s official… Barack Obama has selected Joe Biden to be his running mate!

Please take a minute to share your story with Joe and welcome him into our movement for change. For those of you who are from Delaware and know Joe best, we’d love to hear your experiences as a constituent of Senator Biden’s.

We’ll make sure to share some of your stories with Senator Biden so he gets a chance to better know the remarkable folks who’ve built this campaign from the bottom up.

As Senator Obama and Senator Biden head to Denver, your grassroots support is more critical than ever.

Obama-Biden ‘08!

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