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Muslim spared speeding ban in Scotland so he can drive between his 2 wives

The latest from Britain where sharia law seems to be creeping in by the day.

The Daily Mail, one of Britain’s leading newspapers, reports on Scottish restaurant owner Mohammed Anwar, who successfully persuaded a Scottish court that a driving ban would make it difficult for him to commute between his two wives and “fulfill his matrimonial duties.”
His lawyer told the court that Anwar has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow (both are Scottish cities) and sleeps with them on alternate nights. Anwar is allowed up to four wives under his Muslim religion, but I didn’t know that British law apparently now permits this too.

Caught speeding between wives: Mohammed Anwar.
Imagine how he would drive if he had four wives

Anwar had been caught driving at 64 mph in a 30 mph zone in Glasgow, fast enough to qualify for instant disqualification, and to kill someone. Anwar admitted the offense, but Scottish Court Sheriff John C. Morris accepted his plea not to be banned and allowed him to keep his license.
Lorna Jackson, from the British road safety charity Brake, called the decision “astonishing.”
Quite so. (More here from Scotland’s leading newspaper, The Scotsman.)
* Among some of my previous items on creeping sharia in Europe:

Dutch Catholic Bishop tells Christians to call God “Allah”
Scottish hospital staff ordered not to eat at desks during Ramadan
“Muslim Jesus” to get primetime billing on British TV
British nurses told to turn muslims’ beds to face Mecca
Muslim checkout staff get an alcohol opt-out clause
Muslim store worker refuses to sell “unclean” Bible book to grandmother

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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