Media Blog

“A Naked Lie”

Here’s a screenshot from Senator Obama’s latest ad where he accuses McCain and Palin of “a naked lie” regarding the “bridge to nowhere.” We ran the ad through the Bob-Herbert-a-tron and determined that showing the word “naked” and Sarah Palin on the screen at the same time is incredibly sexist.

Here’s the link to the TNR blog post where the term “naked lie” originates. As far as I can tell, the “naked lie” is that in the McCain/Palin ad titled “The Original Mavericks”, there is the statement: “she stopped the bridge to nowhere.” That’s the “naked lie?”
I’m sure we will hear next about the Tom Coburn bill to strip the Alaska bridge money and send it to the Gulf to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Senators Biden and Obama voted to keep the money in Alaska.

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