Media Blog

No Charges for Limbaugh

Columbus Dispatch:

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has been telling his audience for days now that he could be indicted for encouraging Ohio Republicans to take a Democratic ballot in the March 4 primary in what he calls “Operation Chaos.”
Could that actually happen?
Not likely, Ohio officials say.
“We have no intention of prosecuting Rush Limbaugh because lying through your teeth and being stupid isn’t a crime,” said Leo Jennings, a spokesman for Democratic Attorney General Marc Dann.

Good thing for Dann that “being stupid” isn’t a crime:

COLUMBUS — One skill Attorney General Marc Dann has honed in his first year in office is damage control.
There have been four notable examples of gaffes since April — the latest coming over the Thanksgiving holiday.
A press release with tips for holiday shoppers issued by Dann included one unexpected tip: the number for a telephone sex hot line.
A prerecorded message urges callers to pay 69 cents a minute to speak with hot housewives and college students.
Spokesman Leo Jennings said Saturday that the number on Friday’s release was supposed to be for a help center, where callers can register complaints about shopping problems.

Or how about this one…

Also this month, the Ohio Christian Alliance and the Ohio GOP called on Dann to publicly apologize for an e-mail he sent. The e-mail said public criticism of Jennings was worse than what Jesus suffered on Good Friday.
The Dayton newspaper had reported that Dann e-mailed Jennings on April 6 about an editorial in The Vindicator that resulted in six nasty Web postings about Jennings.
“Jesus had it better on Good Friday,” wrote Dann, who is Jewish.

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