Media Blog

NY Times Item of the Day

No longer satisfied in outing CIA agents, the Times is now outing nude sunbathers:

Karen Czaplinski, 56, a former teacher, and now a waitress and manufacturer of fishing lures, is lolling by the curling tide, in a bathing suit, next to her equally clothed and cringing friend, Kat, a postal worker who said her first name was enough. “My husband would kill me,” Kat said, mumbling, “First time ever in a nude beach and The New York Times comes.”

Does the Times really think it is honoring Kat’s anonymity request by publishing information that can easily identify her? Kat, however feels safe enough to elaborate knowing the Times will do everything possible to keep her name out of the news:

To hear her tell it, they somehow did not realize it was a nudist beach when they arrived, but once they found out did not rush off either. “It’s like eye candy, I guess,” Kat said, making the best of it.

And no matter where you go, it’s easy to find someone to blame the media:

“Down the beach, a portly fisherman wearing just a sun hat casts into the surf for blues and stripers. He is not thrilled with the news coverage.The press built it up as a nude beach, and every pervert in the world thinks this is the place to be.”

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