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Obama Gives Coveted 9/11 Interview to ‘Pimp with the Limp’

Sad, but true. Via the Miami Herald:

On the whole, Obama stayed on message, dropped a few pop culture references and reached an audience that seldom pays close attention to politics. He also avoided talking about 9/11 on 9/11’s anniversary, but made time to mock the Dolphins bad record. The intro:

Obama: DJ Laz.

Laz: O-Bama!

Obama: “What’s going on, man?”

Laz: “How are you, sir?”

Obama: “Less than highly favored.”

Laz: It is an honor and pleasure to have the president of the United States. I’m humbled

Obama: “I’m the one who should be humbled. You’re big time. You’ve got Pitbull and Flo Rida and all these guys just beating a path to your door. And so I’m hoping I can get a little of that magic from you in this interview.”

Laz: I’m wearing a Miami Dolphins jersey

Obama: “You’ve got to start with that Dolphins thing. Did you see that HBO special Hard Knocks. That’s a pretty good show. As I recall, you guys didn’t win any… in the preseason”

Laz: Now I’m getting ragged on by the president of the United States

Obama: “I’m just saying you brought it up. My Bears – I’m feeling pretty good about them.”

Audio here.

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