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Obama’s Olympic Sized Ad Buy

NY Times:

Senator Barack Obama’s campaign will spend $5 million on advertisements during NBC’s coverage of the Summer Olympic Games next month, an NBC spokeswoman confirmed on Wednesday.
The candidate’s commercials will appear on both the NBC network and on the company’s cable channels that are also showing the games.

Smart?  Maybe not . . .

Kendra Zanotto is a big believer in the power of the Olympics. But the 2004 bronze medalist has been shaken after the Chinese government denied her application for a visa to travel to Beijing for the Summer Games.
The Los Gatos native and St. Francis High graduate was set to work as an expert synchronized swimming reporter for the Olympic News Service, an official arm of the Beijing Games. But she says her visa application was refused Monday because of her affiliation with Team Darfur, an athlete-driven group that seeks to call attention to the crisis in western Sudan.
“It’s hard to explain that I’m blacklisted – I’m such an Olympic advocate,” Zanotto said just after learning her application had been rejected by the consulate in San Francisco.

I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message of Chinese censorship.

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