Media Blog

Obama’s Stagecraft

<a href="“>Lynn Sweet’s blog at the Sun-Times is a vital stop for any political junkie. Here’s today’s nugget on Senator Obama’s trip to Jordan:

The briefing, done on the condition reporters not quote the “senior advisers” (yes, I protested but for a practical matter I did not raise maximum fuss since this is a fight I can wage in the U.S.) revealed:
*The Obama stagecraft will be on display later today when Obama hosts a press conference in the ancient ruins of the Amman Citadel. The backdrop will be the “new” Amman. The camera swing will take in the “old,” including the ruins of a temple dedicated to Hercules. The visual metaphors abound: old, new, Obama’s “Herculean” task of winning the presidency, etc.

Barack Obama: better than Pixar.

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