Media Blog

Oddball Quote

From the Associated Press:

Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Lieberman “can give all the partisan speeches he wants, but as the American people have made very clear, the last thing this country needs is another four years of the same old failed Bush-McCain policies of the past.”

Partisan? He’s a member of your party, Mr. Manley. You can accuse Lieberman of lots of things, but of excessive partisanship? When he’s out campaigning for the other party’s guy?
The same story, by AP’s Andrew Taylor, contains this ugly whopper of a nut ‘graph:

Republicans hoped Palin’s speech – to be delivered before a nationwide television audience Wednesday night – would sell voters on her candidacy despite questions about her qualifications and the thoroughness of McCain’s selection process, to say nothing of the continuing distractions involving her family and her brief tenure as governor.

Who, exactly, has questions about her qualifications and McCain’s selection process? Her Democrat critics and their partners in the press, to be sure. It’s pretty silly to raise questions about something and then report that there are questions being raised. And introducing something you clearly want to say with “to say nothing …”? That’s just cheap. Imagine if every AP report touching on Obama carried similar paragraph detailing concerns about Senator Obama’s relative lack of experience, his far-left and terrorist associations, or the like.
If the media is running again Palin, that means the Democrats are running against Palin. So who’s running against McCain?

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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