Media Blog

Olbermann and Michael Moore Discuss Getting Corporate Money Out of Politics

Olbermann tweets:

Video: @MMFlint on inspiration provided by #OWS & how to get Corp $ out of politics

Enjoy the Dem and Obama bashing:

Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore says Dems and GOP ‘feed at the same trough’

One thing they don’t talk about in this clip is how much corporate money and Wall Street money fund, at least, Olbermann’s salary. I doubt Current TV will turn down any ad dollars because the candidate took money from sources Olbermann finds objectionable. One reason candidates need the money is that they are wedded to advertising on television.

Personally, I don’t think the TV ads are effective anyway, but there’s got to be someone who takes the risk and not advertise on television. Of course, once that happens, the cable news bubble goes poof.

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