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The Pixar Presidency

Newsbusters has the latest stagecraft from Team Obama, Global Citizen:

Having seen photo propaganda used in the media to benefit Barack Obama, one has to wonder if it will be equally important to circulate a picture that may not show the ’savior’ in a particularly good light.

As such, a ticket design for the Democratic National Convention has been accompanied by a bit of controversy.

The credential appears to show an upside-down American flag on both sides. What’s worse, the front makes it appear as if Obama is cloaked in the flag, as the stars are almost visually equivalent to his shirt. In fact, Matt Chandler speaking on behalf of the Obama campaign states:

“…it is a stylized flag designed to blend the stars on Senator Obama’s shirt with the flag blowing in the wind.”

No, it’s an upside down flag. And flying the flag upside down is a symbol offensive to many, many Americans. Hot Air is quoting a different explanation, however:

“The DNCC community credentials incorporate patriotic design elements. They do not depict an actual American flag. The DNCC has full and complete respect for the flag and all rules of display.”

So, is Team Obama lying?

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