Media Blog

The Politicization Continues

Yesterday on CNN’s The Situation Room, Jack Cafferty took a cheap shot at President Bush, saying “Where is President Bush? Is he still on vacation?” Wolf Blitzer said, “He’s cut short his vacation. He’s coming back to Washington tomorrow.” Cafferty siad, “Well, that would be a good idea. He was out in San Diego, I think, at a Naval air station giving a speech on Japan and the war in Iraq today. Based on his approval rating in the latest polls, my guess is getting back to work might not be a terrible idea.”
But this lame attempt at sarcasm was nothing compared to the feverish rantings of the left-wing bloggers. For the Bush-haters at AmericaBlog, literally every post about the hurricane tried to blame some aspect of the devastation on the Bush administration.
And yesterday, I linked to the Daily Kos as an example of liberals who had not bought into this crass politicization. I clearly spoke to soon.
Besides just the whole “he’s on vacation” jeer (as if he should have been in New Orleans holding up the levee himself), these bloggers have been insinuating that because of the war in Iraq, we have insufficient National Guardsmen to deal with the crisis. Trevino at RedState demonstrated the absurdity of these claims by simply going through the numbers.
The left is seriously frustrated right now. First the whole Rove-Plame thing evaporated under their noses, and now a bunch of suffering people in New Orleans have the temerity to steal the spotlight from Cindy Sheehan’s impeachment tour. The cult of Bush hatred only knows one speed.

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