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Quotes of the Day

Here’s Rep. Bobby Rush defending Senator Burris in the Sun-Times.  We’ll see if this gets wider coverage:

“He hasn’t done anything that’s indictable,” said Rep. Bobby Rush, who added that many politicians calling for Burris to resign have “stalking horses” ready for test-runs for his seat.

Burris’ backers said other senators involved in far more unseemly conduct have not been asked to resign. Rush, who also is a minister, apparently referred to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) when he spoke of a politician who “drove off a bridge. People died.”

In a reference to Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho), Rush mentioned “a senator accused of misconduct in a men’s room.”

“You’re all at his home every morning; when he goes to bed,” said the Rev. Janette Wilson. “You didn’t do this for priests . . . wanted for pedophilia.”

Burris lied, but nobody died!

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