Media Blog

Random Thought on Today’s TV-Media Culture

Let’s end the phoniness on television. With all these pledges flying around for the candidates to sign, how about one that says “I will not wear any makeup for my television appearances.” (With an exclusion for female candidates who wear makeup in the course of their daily lives. Or, in case of a male candidate that wears makeup daily, I’ll give him an exemption, too)

As far as TV pundits go, the old “never trust anyone over 30″ should become “never trust anyone on TV who takes more than 30 minutes to get showered and ready to go for the day.” And we should extend the makeup ban to the cable-news hosts and their guests, too.

If the candidates and those delivering us the news can’t be “real,” honestly, why should we trust them? Or does the risk of a shiny forehead somehow diminish the words they’re speaking?

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