Media Blog

Team Obama Was Texting Andrew Sullivan During the First 2012 Debate

An excerpt from the new book, Double Down: Game Change 2012 by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, has revealed the panic over the highly critical live coverage of President Obama’s first debate by the great placenta hunter, Andrew Sullivan:

As the full desultoriness of his Denver performance sank in, the president was consumed by a sense of responsibility—and shadowed by fears that his reelection was at risk. Outwardly, he took pains to project the opposite. When his staffers asked how he was doing, he replied, “I’m great.” To Plouffe, who had volunteered to soothe Sullivan, Obama joked, Someone’s gotta talk him off the ledge!

Sullivan responds, “How many times has Plouffe tried to talk me off the ledge? I think twice. But they were texting me that night to tell me to calm the f*** down.”

So, what other friendly outlets did Plouffe contact that night to “calm the f***down”?


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