Media Blog

Is Weiner a Sexual Predator?

Yesterday, Rep. Anthony Weiner said his social-media exchanges were among “consenting adults” as part of his defense. Although that might be true — Weiner admitted he doesn’t know whether any of the women to whom he sent randy messages and/or pictures under 18 — he still admitted using his celebrity as a Congressman to find these women.

His behavior is exactly the type of action parents worry about when their kids start “friending” people on social-media networks. A young girl/woman friends a person of importance and said person uses that influence for sexual gratification. If you visit Weiner’s website, he’s still advertising for pages and interns. How does that sound to you, parents? Another winner from Weiner’s site: Protecting Children on the Internet. Avoiding contact with Rep. Anthony Weiner sounds like a good start.

I hope Nancy Pelosi is serious about her desire for an investigation, and I hope Speaker Boehner does investigate, fully. It’s not just a matter of Weiner using a taxpayer-funded computer and phone for his activities, it’s what he said to these women and how he said it to start these relationships. The question is: Is Rep. Weiner a sexual predator?

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