Media Blog

White House Petition to Press Charges against David Gregory

On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, David Gregory brought a 30-round clip that that he said fit a rifle similar to the one used in the Sandy Hook Massacre. A clip — such as the one brandished by Gregory on TV — is illegal in the District of Columbia, where Meet the Press is filmed. A petition on the White House website to press charges against Gregory has collected almost 12,000 signatures so far, with 13,000 to go to force President Obama to respond.

Reports are that NBC consulted the Metropolitan Police department before going on air and learned it would be illegal to possess the clip, but Gregory went ahead and used it as a prop anyway. The Corner has been discussing the illegality of what Gregory did, as well as Gregory’s defenders — like CNN’s Howard Kurtz — who dismissed what Gregory did because he wasn’t acting with any ill will. 

Anyway, the entire episode is a perfect example of the MSM’s desire to enact tough gun-control laws, but when one of their own breaks one of these tough gun control laws, a new set of rules must apply to the lawbreaker.

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