

‘Apartheid Government’: Rashida Tlaib Falls for Palestinian Propaganda Video, Smears Israeli Police

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill, July 15, 2019. (Erin Scott/Reuters)

Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mi.) shared a tweet accusing Israel of being a “violent apartheid government” after sharing a false story alleging that Palestinians celebrating the first night of Ramadan in Jerusalem were attacked by security forces.

“Don’t look away,” the Michigan representative implored her followers sharing an article from the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) which has since deleted its post.

Aviva Klompas, a former Israeli speechwriter at the United Nations, condemned the social-media post. “Look at that. @RashidaTlaib caught spreading malicious lies about Israel.”

Twitter appended commentary notes adding clarifying context that the incident did not actually occur how IMEU and Tlaib described it.

“This was not an attack by Israeli police. A brawl broke out amongst young Palestinians at Damascus Gate & Israeli police separate them to restore peace,” the social-media platform message noted citing reporting from Yahoo and the Jerusalem Post.

The incident reportedly began after a fight broke out amongst groups of teenagers outside the Damascus Gate. Israeli security services were subsequently dispatched to stabilize the situation amid concerns that material inciting violence had been disseminated leading up to the Muslim high holiday.

During the Sunday night proceedings, a crowd of Palestinians also chanted outside the Shechem Gate “With blood, and spirit, we will redeem Al-Aqsa,” one commentator noted.

Although Tlaib has yet to delete her original tweet from Sunday night, IMEU has since pulled the underlying article.

The organization had accused Israel of “environmental apartheid” and engaging in “ethnic cleansing.”

“Many Israelis, including senior Israeli political and religious leaders, believe the ethnic cleansing carried out during Plan Dalet didn’t go far enough and openly call for further expulsions of Palestinians and the destruction of Palestinian communities,” IMEU argues.

An earlier video post from IMEU was shared by Tlaib alleging “too many are silent” demanding President Joe Biden intercede on behalf of Palestinians.

“@potus, this is the holy month of Ramadan & people are being met with violence while praying. When do we say enough with the unconditional funding? Too many have died with the silence + it enables more of this horror, violence, death and xenophobia,” Tlaib tweeted.

Representative Tlaib’s office did not respond to National Review’s request for comment.

Ari Blaff is a reporter for the National Post. He was formerly a news writer for National Review.
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