
Law & the Courts

Conservative Advocacy Group Launches $10 Million Campaign Attacking Democrats over SCOTUS Safety

A screenshot from the “Twelve years” ad (Judicial Crisis Network/YouTube)

Judicial Crisis Network launched an ad on Thursday blasting Attorney General Merrick Garland for failing to enforce the law against pro-abortion activists who have protested in front of the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, including Garland’s former colleague and friend, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

The ad, Twelve Years,” will air on cable and digitally in the Washington, D.C., market. The $1 million ad buy is the first step in a $10 million campaign JCN has planned to call attention to how Democrats have endangered Supreme Court justices. JCN plans to “engage a comprehensive campaign of paid advertising, earned media, research, grassroots activity, and a coalition enterprise.”

The first ad accuses Garland of “cowering to the woke mob” by refusing to uphold a federal law that makes it illegal to picket at the residence of a judge in an attempt to influence them. 

“Two people worked together for twelve years,” the ad begins. “Colleagues. Friends. Now one is being harassed, threatened, even an armed assassin was after him. The other could stop it, but doesn’t.”

“Merrick Garland is the Attorney General,” it adds. “He should uphold the rule of law, protect his former colleagues—and the Court.”

Former president Barack Obama nominated Garland to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016. However, Republicans blocked Garland’s confirmation to the Court.

The ad calls Garland “bad for the Court then” and “bad for the Court now.”

Fifty-eight percent of Americans agree Garland should enforce the law prohibiting protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices, while 61 percent believe the protests undermine American democracy, a recent JCN poll found.

“Merrick Garland has consistently bowed to the radical left’s agenda, whether it’s calling concerned parents ‘domestic terrorists’ or suing states for protecting the unborn,” JCN president Carrie Severino said in a statement. “What the Attorney General is clearly *not* doing is enforcing a federal law designed to protect judges at their homes, as mobs of protestors continue to harass six of the Court’s justices at their homes, even after the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh.”

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