

David Hogg Demands Laura Ingraham Denounce Fox News

(Mary F. Calvert, Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Parkland survivor David Hogg has called for Fox News’s Laura Ingraham to denounce her network’s coverage of the gun-control movement after she mocked him personally on social media.

Ingraham tweeted out an article making fun of the high-school senior and gun-control activist for getting rejected by four colleges.

Hogg then called for a boycott of Laura Ingraham’s advertisers, tweeting out a list of companies currently advertising on her show.

After three companies pulled their ads, Ingraham backed down and apologized, saying, “any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA.”

Hogg, for his part, wasn’t appeased by Ingraham’s apology.

Hogg, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 people were shot and killed on Valentine’s Day, has been an outspoken gun-control advocate since the shooting. He has appeared frequently on television and was one of the most highly anticipated speakers at last weekend’s March for Our Lives.

Update 5:15pm:

At least 6 companied have pulled their ads from Ingraham’s show.

Expedia, Joseph A. Banks, Nestle, home goods company Wayfair, TripAdvisor, and Rachel Ray’s pet-food brand Nutrish will no longer do business with the Fox News show.


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