
White House

Dem Congresswoman on Trump: We’ll Impeach the ‘Motherf***er’

(Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) vowed to help Democrats impeach President Trump just hours after being sworn into Congress on Thursday.

“We’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherfucker!” Tlaib said during a Thursday night rally in Washington, D.C. organized by MoveOn.

Tlaib also made the case for Trump’s impeachment in an op-ed published in the Detroit Free Press on Thursday, in which she dismissed Democratic leadership’s call for the caucus to wait until special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings are released before determining whether impeachment is warranted.

“But we do not need to wait on the outcome of that criminal investigation before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable “high crimes and misdemeanors” against the state: abuse of power and abuse of the public trust,” Tlaib writes.

The Michigan lawmaker’s comments came after Representative Brad Sherman (D., Calif.), who joined two fellow Democrats in introducing articles of impeachment against Trump last year, announced he would immediately refile the articles.

“I didn’t do this as some political move, I did it in July of 2017, about as far away from an election as a House member ever gets,” Sherman said Thursday. “Now I’m making sure not to take a step backward.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was elected to lead the newly minted Democratic majority on Thursday, has avoided discussing the precise conditions she believed would justify impeachment.

“We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason,” Pelosi told NBC this week.



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