

Grammy-Nominated Artist Releases 10/7 Protest Song ‘We Are Not Ok’

Artist John Ondrasik, known by the stage name Five For Fighting, performs at Edwards Air Force Base in 2007. (Wikimedia Commons)

Grammy-nominated recording artist John Ondrasik, known by the stage name “Five for Fighting,” released a protest song condemning skyrocketing antisemitism across America and the glorification of Hamas and its atrocities committed on October 7.

“We are not all right,” the song opens, “When we see young girls pulled from their homes, and dragged to the streets; when we see grandmothers being pulled away to children shot in front of the family.”

“We are not all right when right here in the city of New York you have those who celebrate at the same time when the devastation is taking place,” the music video continues showing footage of violent pro-Palestinian protesters spliced with Hamas atrocities against Israeli civilians.

“This is a time for choosing,” Ondrasik sings against bodycam footage of Hamas terrorists committing atrocities on October 7. “This is a time to mourn. The moral man is losing,” the song continues.

Throughout the music video, clips of Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) ducking a reporter’s questions about the atrocities, American university students tearing down posts of Israeli hostages, and the appearance of Ivy League administrators on Capitol Hill waffling responses on whether calling for the genocide of Jews was permissible.

In recent years, Ondrasik has released similar songs about current events, notably the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “It is clear our supposed ‘elite’ colleges are and have been long time bastions of antisemitism and radicalism. Our students are taught that what matters is perceived oppressor vs perceived oppressed and that right versus wrong, good versus evil, is irrelevant,” Ondrasik told National Review on Saturday afternoon.

“It is a cancer that is growing, and Harvard is ground zero for the disease. We have been turning out students who are blind and soulless who now run major media outlets, lead their Alma Maters, and sit in the House of Representatives. It is a time for choosing. Time is not on our side.”

“I think the question is not why have I written a song about the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust with more than 100 men, women, and children still being held hostage.  The question is why have so many remained silent?”

Ondrasik appeared on Fox News earlier this week where he reflected the song was “not a political one. “It’s not a pro-Israeli video; it’s not an anti-Palestinian video. Frankly, the hero of this video is a Palestinian woman. If anything, it is an anti-evil video.”

“If any group, if any nation, took hostage, committed these atrocities, this song would remain the same; only the names would change,” the singer of hit songs such as “Superman” and “100 Years,” continued. “If we cannot condemn evil acts: raping; murdering women, young girls; kidnapping grandmothers; beheading babies; putting babies in ovens; baking them in front of their parents; filming it and sending it to the victim’s families; if we cannot condemn that without words like ‘context, but,’ then we surely, I think, have lost our minds.”

“We’ve lost our souls, and frankly, you’re seeing the collapse in all institutions in America – academia, the media, and tragically, in the House of Representatives, as well.”

Ari Blaff is a reporter for the National Post. He was formerly a news writer for National Review.
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