

Susan Collins Says Challenger Sara Gideon Has Conceded Maine Senate Race

Sen. Susan Collins talks with reporters on Capitol Hill, September 17, 2018. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

Senator Susan Collins (R., Maine) told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that opponent Sara Gideon called her to concede Maine’s Senate race.

While the race has not been called by the Associated Press, Gideon’s concession indicates that Collins will be reelected to a fifth term in the Senate. Collins has apparently won the race despite polls showing Gideon, currently Maine’s House speaker, with a competitive edge. Every Maine Senate poll collected by RealClearPolitics showed Collins trailing Gideon, right up to the last weekend before the election.

“Let me say, what an extraordinary honor it is to represent the great state of Maine, and to know that I will have the opportunity to serve all of Maine for the next six years,” Collins told supporters in a victory speech. “I’m going to work to improve life for everyone in the state of Maine.”

Collins danced with supporters on Tuesday night as election results started trickling in. Supporters danced together again on Wednesday after Collins declared victory:

Collins has made a name as a moderate Republican, and has had to distance herself President Trump, who is deeply unpopular in Maine. Of all Republican senators, Collins was the only one to vote against confirming Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, citing the proximity of the confirmation to the general elections.

Zachary Evans is a news writer for National Review Online. He is also a violist, and has served in the Israeli Defense Forces.
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