
Woke Culture

Target Rolls Out ‘Pride’ Santa, Nutcrackers in LGBT Christmas Collection

A large sign stands outside of a Target store in Woburn, Mass., November 15, 2023. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)

Target’s collection of Christmas decorations for the 2023 season includes a broad range of LGBTQ-themed merchandise, such as a Santa figurine waving a pride flag. 

Target’s holiday collection features several pride-themed nutcracker decorations. The “Pride Christmas Nutcracker Figure” includes white and black nutcrackers with purple beards wearing rainbow hats and holding a BIPOC-transgender pride flag. The year 2023 is embossed on the base. 

The “Kurt Adler 10-Inch Pride Nutcracker,” which retails for $42.50, is a figurine wearing pride colors and a sequined Santa hat; the nutcracker holds a heart that says “Love is Love.” The “Kurt Adler 12-Inch Wooden Gay Pride Nutcracker,” which retails for $47.50, is a nutcracker in a sequin jacket with blue and holding a rainbow flag. The “Kurt Adler 15-Inch Wooden Gay Pride Nutcracker,” which retails for $63.00, is a nutcracker in a purple jacket and rainbow pants. It holds a staff with a heart that says “Love is Love.”

Target is selling the “Kurt Adler 10-Inch Fabriché Pride Santa” for $80.00, a Santa figurine wearing overalls with rainbow suspenders and a white shirt that says “Love is Love.” He is holding a pride flag.

The pride-themed ornaments for sale at Target include a snowflake in rainbow colors with the year “2023” in the center, a rainbow-colored speech-bubble shape that says “Love is Love” with two hands forming a heart symbol, an open mouth in rainbow colors, a rainbow heart that says “Love is Love,”and drinking glasses in rainbow-flag hues. 

“Whether you’re an ally, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or simply someone who believes in love and equality for all, this ornament is the perfect way to showcase your support during the festive season,” reads the description of Target’s “Love is Love” speech-bubble ornament. “With its vibrant colors and eye-catching design, this ‘Love is Love’ holiday ornament is sure to make a statement on your tree or as a gift to a loved one. Celebrate the season with love and pride, and show the world that love truly knows no bounds.”

Another political ornament for sale at Target is a snowflake that says “Liberal,” currently retailing for $34.98. 

The pride-themed wrapping paper for sale at Target includes one design showing rainbow candy-canes arranged in a heart-shape, and another with white snowflakes on a rainbow background. 

“Unwrap the joy of being yourself with our [gift wrap],” reads a product description. “This wrap is made using paper that allows you to cover variety of gifts. Infused with LGBTQIA+ pride, its rainbow hues are perfect for celebrations, be it Christmas or thoughtful gifting.”

The holiday collection also features fabric white and black Santas in wheelchairs as figurines and ornaments.

This summer, Target lost billions in market value after conservatives called to boycott the retail giant, whose 2023 “PRIDE” collection featured a “tuck-friendly” swimsuit to obscure male genitalia.

The conservative backlash was partly inspired by Target’s partnership with Abprallen, a brand that specializes in merchandise that features satanic imagery and that glorifies violence against alleged “transphobes.” Abprallen sold clothing that include the the phrases “We Bash Back” with a heart-shaped mace in the trans-flag colors, “Transphobe Collector” with a skull, and “Homophobe Headrest” with skulls beside a pastel guillotine.

Target initially sold three Abprallen products as part of its 2023 “PRIDE” collection: a messenger bag saying “We Belong Everywhere” across trans-flag colors and planets, a tote bag with the message “Too Queer for Here” beneath a UFO, and a “Cure Transphobia, Not Trans People” sweatshirt.

Abigail Anthony is the current Collegiate Network Fellow. She graduated from Princeton University in 2023 and is a Barry Scholar studying Linguistics at Oxford University.
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