
Law & the Courts

Pro-Abortion Extremists Indicted for Allegedly Defacing Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

The seal of the U.S. Justice Department in the headquarters briefing room in Washington, D.C., January 24, 2023. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Two Florida residents have been indicted on federal charges in connection with attacks on several pro-life pregnancy resource centers in the Sunshine State over a period of three months.

Caleb Freestone, 27, and Amber Smith-Stewart, 23, allegedly vandalized a pregnancy resource center in Winter Haven, Fla., according to the Department of Justice. The pair is accused of spray-painting threats including, “If abortions aren’t safe than niether [sic] are you,” “YOUR TIME IS UP!!,” “WE’RE COMING FOR U,” and “We are everywhere.”

The duo “engaged in a conspiracy to prevent employees of reproductive health services facilities from providing those services,” according to the indictment.

The DOJ alleges the pair violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACES) Act, which prohibits the use of any type of force or intimidation against anyone seeking an abortion or anyone exercising their First Amendment right of religious freedom. Additionally, it prohibits intentionally damaging or destroying a place of worship or reproductive-health-care facility.

The pair also targeted facilities in Hollywood and Hialeah, according to the indictment. 

Freestone and Smith-Stewart face up to twelve years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000 if convicted.

A Facebook page that appears to belong to Smith-Stewart shows an apparent affiliation with Antifa. The page’s cover photo is an Antifa flag, while the profile picture features an Antifa sticker that says, “Fight all governments there’s no authority but yourself” and another sticker that reads, “make racists afraid again.” Another partially obscured sticker says, in part, “F*** the cops.”

In August 2021, Smith-Stewart posted a picture of a burning American flag and wrote, “The united states is a white mans land. They have made that very clear, they target our people, kill and incarcerate our black men and women. Enough is enough. Its more important then ever to get organized and take direct action. Muerte a América.”

One month later, Smith-Stewart posted, “Let me make this abundantly clear for the people in the back. i am an ABOLITIONIST. I do NOT believe in reform,” seemingly referring to abolishing the police.

In November 2021, Smith-Stewart shared a virtual flyer for a “protest against white supremacy” that suggested Kyle Rittenhouse was guilty. Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges after shooting three people, killing two, during the riots in Kenosha, Wis., in August 2020.

“Immediate action in Tallahassee!!!!” Smith-Stewart captioned the flyer. “They wanna f*** around, they gonna find out! WE KEEP US SAFE. If youre able to show up, you better be showing out. Lets show them what direct action is all about.”

The indictment comes days after the FBI offered a $25,000 reward to sources who can provide information about the suspects responsible for a spate of other attacks on pro-life pregnancy resource centers that occurred between March 2022 and July 2022 in eight different states.

One of the pregnancy centers, CompassCare, said earlier this month it planned to hire private investigators to find the suspects who attacked its Buffalo, N.Y., location in June, claiming that the FBI is “slow-walking” its probe, which has not resulted in any arrests. The Buffalo medical office was firebombed and vandalized by pro-abortion extremists claiming to be affiliated with the group Jane’s Revenge following the leak of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.

The center has spent more than $100,000 in new security since the attack, Compass Care CEO Jim Harden told National Review.

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